Kirill Babaev
Director of the Institute of China and Modern Asia at the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation
Svetlana Babayeva
Advisor, Rossiya Segodnya News Agency (RIA Novosti)
Dmitry Babich
Political analyst with the Voice of Russia radio station
Salvatore Babones
Associate Professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Sydney
Lyudmila Babynina
Head of the Center for Political Integration Studies, RAS Institute of Europe
Hüseyin Bağcı
Professor and Chair, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University in Ankara; Deputy Director, Foreign Policy Institute, Ankara; Guest Professor, Humboldt University in Berlin
Shri Deepak Bagla
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Invest India
Andrei Baklanov
Head of the Middle East and North Africa Studies Section, HSE University.
Andrey Baklitskiy
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of the International Studies at the MGIMO University, PIR Center Consultant, Russia

Vadim Balytnikov
State Councilor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 1st class, L.D., in 2007–2009. - Representative of the Russian Federation in the High-Level International Group of Experts in the field of establishing a peace process on the banks of the Dniester river (5 + 2 format)
Mikhail Barabanov
Сofounder of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST)
Oleg Barabanov
Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club; Professor, MGIMO University; Professor, Russian Academy of Sciences
Stephan Barisitz
Researcher, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Julien Barnes-Dacey
Senior policy fellow for ECFR’s Middle East and North Africa Programme

Adam Baron
Visiting Fellow, ECFR, Middle East and North Africa Programme
Guillermo R. Barreto
Biologist (Central University of Venezuela), Magister in Biological Sciences (Simón Bolívar University), DPhil (University of Oxford). Full Professor (retired) of the Organisms Biology Department of Simón Bolívar University specialized in conservation and management of biological diversity.
Anna Barsukova
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Deputy Vice Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics for international outreach.
Vladimir Bartenev
Director of the Centre for Security and Development Studies (CSDS), School of World Politics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University; Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Sanjaya Baru
Distinguished Fellow, United Service Institution of India
Kayhan Barzegar
Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the Science and Research Branch of the Islamic Azad University in Tehran
Gershon Baskin
Founder and co-director of IPCRI, the Israel Palestine Center for Research and Information
Fyodor Basov
Senior Researcher, Department for European Political Studies, IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences
Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr.
Brazilian economist, Vice President of the New Development Bank (NDB) from 2015 to 2017, Executive Director for Brazil and other countries in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 2007 to 2015.
Juan Battaleme
Academic Director, Argentinean Council of International Relations (CARI)
Zach Battat
Junior Researcher, Middle East & Central Asia Research Center
Vladimir Batyuk
Head of the Political and Military Research Center, Institute for the US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Enes Bayraklı
SETA Brussels Coordinator
Anatoly Bazhan
Head, Economic Research Sector, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Tang Bei
Associate Professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs,  at Shanghai International Studies University and a China Forum expert
Wenli Bei
Secretary of CCP Committee Branch, Deputy Dean, School of Advanced International and Area Studies, East China Normal University
John Bell
Director, The Conciliators Guild (Great Britain)
Vyacheslav Belokrenitsky
Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Yulia Belous
Research Fellow, Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS), National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)
Dmitry Belousov
Head of analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic processes at the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting
Dmitry Belov
Project Manager, Evercity
Vladislav Belov
Head of the Country Studies Department, Head of the Center for German Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Nikita Belukhin
Junior Research Fellow at the Department of European Political Studies at IMEMO RAS
Yehuda Ben Meir
Senior research associate in the Israeli Institute of National Security Studies
Shlomo Ben-Ami
Co-founder, Vice-President, Toledo International Center for Peace (Spain); Former Foreign Minister of Israel
Samuel Bendett
Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
Keith Bennett
Researcher and consultant on China’s international relations, co-editor of ‘Friends of Socialist China’ platform
Anton Bespalov

Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club; expert in international relations and journalist based in Moscow

Anna Bessmertnaya
Chair of the Commission for Cooperation with Chinese Partners, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Alexander Bessmertnykh
President of the International Foreign Policy Association, Chairman of the Global Council of Foreign Ministers of Foreign Affairs
Alexei Bezborodov
Managing Partner of Infra Projects LLC; Leading expert at the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies, Higher School of Economics National Research University
Andrey Bezrukov
MGIMO Professor, President of the Technological Sovereignty Exports Association
RPS Bhadauria
Major General RPS Bhadauria VSM (Retd) is presently the Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies & Simulation (CS3) at the United Service Institution of India, New Delhi.
M.K. Bhadrakumar
Retired Ambassador, Columnist
Amit Bhandari
Gateway House Fellow for Energy & Environment, India
Valentin Bianki
Lead expert, Centre for African Studies, HSE University
Alireza Bikdeli
Senior Research Fellow, Former Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkey
Boyan Bilbia
Serbian journalist, editor of "Politika" newspaper
Yu Bin
Professor of Political Science at Wittenberg University, USA (Ph.D Stanford University), and senior fellow of the Shanghai Association of American Studies, senior fellow of the Russian Studies Center of the East China Normal University in Shanghai, and senior advisor to the Intellisia Institute in Guangzhou, China
Wu Bingbing
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University
Lyubov Bisson
PhD (Politics), Senior Research Fellow, Section for European Integration Studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Helge Blakkisrud
Senior Researcher and Head of the Research Group on Russia, Asia and International Trade at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo, Norway
Leonard Blazeby
Head of Prevention, Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Federal Republic of Nigeria
Leonid Bliakher
Head of the Department of Philosophy, Pacific National University
Andrei Blinov
Project manager of the Financial Development League (Ukraine), economist and opinion journalist
Yvan Blot
Professor of Economics at the University of Nice (Sophia Antipolis), Nicolas Sarkozy's private advisor, former member of the European Parliament and French National Assembly, doctor in economics and professor of political science
Xu Bo
Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Northeast Asia Research Center of Jilin University (Changchun, China)
Zhou Bo
Senior Fellow, Centre for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University; Expert, China Forum
Lo Bobo
Independent scholar and consultant, former director of the Russia and China Programmes at the Centre for European Reform (CER)
Ivan Bocharov
RIAC Program Coordinator
Danila Bochkarev
Nonresident Fellow at the Henry L. Stimson Center affiliated with the Middle East and Africa Program
Yossef Bodansky
Director of Research, The International Strategic Studies Association, USA
Konstantin Bogdanov
PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Center for International Security, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences
Elena Bogdanova
Leader of the research group “Law and Society” Centre for Independent Social Research
Alena Bogomolova
Associate Professor, Department of Economics at the Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Irina Bolgova
Associate professor in the Department of Applied Analysis at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and a Research Fellow at the Center for Post-Soviet Studies
Anna Bondarenko
COO, Intexpertise LLC
Konstantin Bondarenko
Political scientist; Head of the Ukrainian Policy Institute (Ukraine)
Pascal Boniface
Founding Director, French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS)
Timofei Bordachev
Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club; Academic Supervisor of the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)
José Octavio Bordón
President of the Argentine Council of International Relations (CARI).
Nikolai Bordyuzha
Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
Timofei Borisov
Research associate at the Center for the Analysis of Strategies and Technology
Iwona Borkowska
Head of the Centre for International Education, Adam Miczkiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
Anatoly Borovkov
Leading Research Fellow; Head of the Research and Publishing Center at the Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Editor-in-Chief, IBEROAMERICA journal.
Fabienne Bossuyt
Assistant Professor at Ghent University (Belgium) and professorial fellow at UNU-CRIS
Georgy Bovt
Editor-in-Chief of “Russkiy”
Rodric Braithwaite
Sir Rodric Braithwaite, GCMG, Chairman, International Advisory Board, Moscow School of Political Studies; Former British Ambassador in Moscow
Carlos Branco
Major General (Retired), Portuguese Army
Maxim Bratersky
Professor of the Department of International Affairs at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at the Higher School of Economics
Sergey Brilev
Member of the Presidium, Council on Foreign and Defense Policy
Laurence Broers
Caucasus Programme Director, Conciliation Resources
Shlomo Brom
Senior Research Fellow, head of the Program on Israeli-Palestinian Relations at the Institute for National Security Studies, Israel
Mathias Brueggmann
International Correspondent with „Handelsblatt“, Germany´s business and financial daily
Vladimir Bruter
Expert of the International Institute of Humanitarian and Political Studies
Neil Buckley
Eastern Europe Editor, Financial Times
Tor Bukkvoll
Visiting fellow at The Leverhulme Program on the Changing Character of War, University of Oxford
Georgy Bulychev
Expert of the Valdai Discussion Club
Richard Burchill
Director of Research and Engagement at the TRENDS Research & Advisory
François Burgat
Director of Research, Institute for Research and Study on the Arab and Muslim World (IREMAM), Aix-en-Provence, France
Mathew Burrows
Director of the Atlantic Council's Strategic Foresight Initiative
Guy Burton
Visiting Fellow at the LSE Middle East Centre
Olga Butorina
Advisor to the Rector; Head of Department European Integration, Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO University)
Evgeny Buzhinsky
Lieutenant-General (Retired), Ph.D. Military Sciences. In the Armed Services since 1968
Andrey Bystritskiy
Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for Development and Support of the Valdai Discussion Club, Dean, Professor of the Faculty of Creative Industries at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics, member of the Union of Writers