Security for Each and Everyone. Together Into a New World. Plenary Session of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club

Security for Each and Everyone. Together Into a New World. Plenary Session of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club

Presentation of the Valdai Paper ‘Russia-Africa: Overcoming Challenges’

Presentation of the Valdai Paper ‘Russia-Africa: Overcoming Challenges’

A New Dream? Elections in Moldova and Georgia as a Marker on the Road to Sovereignty. An Expert Discussion

A New Dream? Elections in Moldova and Georgia as a Marker on the Road to Sovereignty. An Expert Discussion

Presentation of the Valdai Paper ‘Russia-Africa: Overcoming Challenges’

On November 18, the Valdai Club hosted a presentation of the Valdai Paper “Russia-Africa: Overcoming ChallengesHow successful is Russia's course to return to Africa? What are the priorities of African states in cooperation with Russia? What hinders the development of trade and the flow of Russian investments to Africa? How has the accession of Egypt and Ethiopia affected the BRICS agenda?


  • Vladimir Shubin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Doctor of the University of the Western Cape (South Africa), Chief Researcher, Institute of African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (author of the Paper)

  • Aliou Tounkara, President of the Russian House in Mali

  • Alexander Balezin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Central Asia Institute, World History Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • Dareskedar Taye, Leading Researcher at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia 

  • Sanusha Naidu, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Global Dialogue, South Africa


Working languages: Russian, English.