Cooperation in Education, Humanities, and Communications in the Digital Age. Fourth Session of the Russian-Chinese Conference (in Chinese)

Cooperation in Education, Humanities, and Communications in the Digital Age. Fourth Session of the Russian-Chinese Conference (in Chinese)

Presentation of the Valdai Club Report ‘BRICS+ Energy: A Mover for the New World Order’

Presentation of the Valdai Club Report ‘BRICS+ Energy: A Mover for the New World Order’

The World From the Bottom Up or The Masterpieces of Eurasian Architecture. Opening of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club and Presentation of a New Valdai Club Report

The World From the Bottom Up or The Masterpieces of Eurasian Architecture. Opening of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club and Presentation of a New Valdai Club Report

Presentation of the Valdai Club Report ‘BRICS+ Energy: A Mover for the New World Order’

On October 18, the Valdai Club hosted a presentation of the new report “BRICS+ Energy: A Mover for the New World Order” on the eve of the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. At the meeting in Nizhny Novgorod as part of the current Russian chairmanship, the BRICS foreign ministers agreed to develop mutual energy cooperation. In a joint statement, they emphasised that universal access to energy resources is the most important foundation for economic development, social stability, national security and the well-being of all countries.

The new Valdai Club report is dedicated to the contribution of BRICS and the G7 countries to energy security and how it has changed recently. The authors note that the year 2022 has become a new milestone for the informal confrontation between the G7 and BRICS. According to the report, even before the expansion of BRICS, its members accounted for 40% of global energy demand and almost 44% of its production, while the share of the G7 in both categories has fallen to below a third.

How will joining the community of Middle Eastern powers change the balance of power in the energy market? What are the prospects for BRICS consolidation in energy? What role will the energy agenda play at the upcoming summit in Kazan? 


  • Alexey Grivach, Deputy Director General for Gas Problems of the National Energy Security Fund (NESF) (author of the report)

  • Nivedita Das Kundu, Professor, Faculty of International Relations, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages 


  • Ivan Timofeev, Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club

Working languages: Russian, English.