On September 27, the Valdai Club hosted a discussion on the results of the parliamentary elections in Germany, titled “Germany Without Angela Merkel: What Can Russia and the World Expect?”
Parliamentary elections mark the end of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s 16-years era. Over the years, Germany has become the undisputed leader of the EU, both in politics and economics, and has significantly strengthened its role in the world arena.
Now, for the first time in 15 years, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) is ahead of the conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic and Christian Social Unions (CDU / CSU). The elections may result in several coalition options, led either by the social democrats or the conservatives. The Green Party confidently holds the third place and can also take part in the formation of the cabinet. The configuration of the new ruling coalition will show whether the new cabinet will stake on the continuity of the course or its renewal will.
Over the past 16 years, relations between Germany and Russia have passed through different periods — from strategic partnership to significant cooling and even rivalry. However, this did not prevent the countries from implementing the ambitious Nord Stream 2 project, whose construction was completed on September 10.
What are the main outcomes of Merkel’s rule? Will Germany’s policy change after she leaves? How will relations between Russia and Germany develop under the new government? How important will the personality of the new Chancellor be for bilateral relations? The Valdai Club invites the leading international experts to sum up the preliminary results of the elections in Germany.
Alexander Rahr, Academic Director of the German-Russian Forum
Hans-Joachim Spanger, Head of Research Department and Member of the Executive Board, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Germany
Artyom Sokolov, Research Fellow, Center for European Studies, IMI, MGIMO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
Fyodor Lukyanov, Research Director of the Valdai Discussion Club
Working languages: Russian, English.