Russia and the Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism: The End of the Western Dictate

Russia and the Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism: The End of the Western Dictate

Ana Maria Cetto: What Role Can Be Played by Science Diplomacy in the Context of Confidence Crisis?

Ana Maria Cetto: What Role Can Be Played by Science Diplomacy in the Context of Confidence Crisis?

The Middle East and the Future of the Polycentric World. Presentation of the Valdai Club Report

The Middle East and the Future of the Polycentric World. Presentation of the Valdai Club Report

Ana Maria Cetto: What Role Can Be Played by Science Diplomacy in the Context of Confidence Crisis?

According to Ana Maria Cetto, President of the Global Committee in Open Science from the UNESCO, is difficult to follow both sides in science diplomacy, the side of politicians and the side of scientists. They have different ways of thinking and reaction. And the science diplomacy looks a more rational way of thinking.