On July 22, the Valdai Discussion Club held an online presentation of the new Valdai Club report: “The Future of Translateral World Order. Rethinking Global Partnerships in the Era of Deepening Uncertainty”.
The modern world is experiencing another wave of ideological polarisation. The “Collective West” is trying to actualise the identity of its community of democratic states by opposing “autocracies”, targeting Russia and China specifically.
Usually stable coalitions are made up of like-minded people who share common values. Differences in values, cultures and political structures should impede the creation of such coalitions. However, the reality of international relations is more complex. History knows many cases of effective coalitions consisting of completely dissimilar players.
It seems that the next stage of competition between such coalitions is starting now. Japanese researcher Kazushige Kobayashi has coined the term “translateralism” to describe the phenomenon of “motley” coalitions. In the new Valdai Club report, he presents examples of such a coalition game in the politics of China, Japan, India and Russia.
What will be the future of political alliances in international relations? What are the manifestations of translateralism today? How does the phenomenon of translateralism affect the behaviour of international players? These and other issues were addressed by the participants of the online presentation.