Morality and Law
International Migration in Pandemic Times. An Expert Discussion
Valdai Club Conference Hall, Tsvetnoy boulevard 16/1, Moscow, Russia
List of speakers

On August 25, the Valdai Discussion Club presented a report, titled “International Migration in Pandemic Times: Disrupted Links, Remittances and Migrantophobia”.

The widespread closure of borders has led to a sharp restriction or cessation of global migration, including labour flows. The recipientcountries are faced with a tangible  shortage of the labour required for economic recovery and development. Many sectors of the economy are under threat. This has led to the fact that a number of developed countries have begun to introduce additional measures to encourage the return of labour migrants to their territories. On the other hand, the socio-economic situation in the donor countries has deteriorated significantly. The decline in remittances from migrants has led to an aggravation of poverty, and the growth of unemployment has intensified.