Sergey Zilitinkevich
Research Professor, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki; Research Director, Division of Atmos. Sciences, Dept. Physics, University of Helsinki
Current position:
Since 2008 Basic: Research Professor, Finnish Meteorological Institute, and
Research Director, Dept. Physics, Division Atmos. Sci., Helsinki University
Since 2004 Part-time Professor, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Norway
Since 2011 Mega-Grant Holder, Dept. of Radio-physics, Nizhny Novgorod University, Russia
Since 2013 Part-time Professor, Faculty of Geography, Moscow University; and Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences
• Previous work experience
2004-2007 Finland: Marie Curie Chair of Boundary-Layer Physics, University of Helsinki
1998-2003 Sweden: Professor, Chair of Meteorology, Uppsala Univ. (since 2003 Prof. Emeritus)
1991-1997 Germany: Visiting Professor, Max Planck Inst. of Meteorology, Hamburg University, Alfred Wegener Inst. of Polar and Marine Research, GKSS Research Centre
1990-1990 Denmark: Visiting Professor, RISØ National Laboratory
1959-1990 Russia: Main Geophysical Observatory (Head of Lab), Institute of Lake Research (Senior Scientist), Institute of Oceanology (Founding Head of Leningrad Branch), Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Professor)
Research interests:
Chaos and order in nature, geophysical/astrophysical turbulence, planetary boundary layers, air pollution, climate system