Petros Papaconstantinou

Senior international affairs editor at the Greek daily Kathimerini. He studied Physics at the University of Athens, where he obtained a PhD on Quantum Mechanics. Since 1997, he has been working for Kathimerini – the oldest and most influential Greek newspaper. It is published daily in both a Greek and an English version.

He has interviewed many important personalities, including Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Hugo Chavez, Gerry Adams, Yassir Arafat, Simon Perez, Bashar al Assad, Romano Prodi, etc.

As a war correspondent, he covered the second Palestinian Intifada (2000-2006), the war in Gaza of 2008-2009, the Egyptian revolution and the Libyan civil war (2011), the campaign against ISIS in Northern Iraq (2014) and the crisis in Donbas (2015). He is the author of numerous books and co-author of many publications. Articles and interviews of him have appeared in The Guardian, BBC, Politis, Russia Today and Al Jazeera English.