The world is living through a “parallel time.” This phenomenon of spontaneous and similar, though seemingly unrelated processes taking place on different continents. The main catalyst is media, only now it is universal and ubiquitous, with the result that the new revolt is instantaneously broadcast to the world and influences it in turn.
Non-Western states that had no part in formulating its principles and now consider that system unfair and the societies of those leading countries reject the elites who are responsible for the policies of the last decades.
The world is already changing, but by which method? Is it through an evolutionary process in which the ever-greater number of players cooperatively effects the transformation of the world order? Or is it proceeding by a revolutionary process in which the “common people” reject the existing order and set out to overthrow those in power – who themselves struggle to retain their wealth and privileges?
Why the disorder? What is anatomy of a protest? How the "game without rules" affected the economy? Is there one solution of all problems? What is the role of international institutions? Answers to these questions are contained in the report prepared by the research team of the Valdai Discussion Club Foundation led by Fyodor Lukyanov.